
Why we aren’t in revolt (the answer, not the question)

People ask this and the popular answer is that people are too lazy, nobody wants to step up, this sub is just for complaining, etc. But a lot of that is driven by the misconception that regime changes happen because of working-class revolts. They don't. To be clear, what we want is a regime change. A legally guaranteed livable wage, universal healthcare, and real estate regulation (to say nothing of climate change) will require the majority of sitting members of both the House and Senate be removed, the Electoral College abolished and the Supreme Court overhauled. In fact, we will need to gut both the Republican and Democratic parties of their existing leadership or elevate other parties to prominence. That is a regime change. Even if we keep the constitution and the name, it's a regime change. I mean, the Protestant Reformation kept the Bible and that shit started multiple…

People ask this and the popular answer is that people are too lazy, nobody wants to step up, this sub is just for complaining, etc. But a lot of that is driven by the misconception that regime changes happen because of working-class revolts. They don't.

To be clear, what we want is a regime change. A legally guaranteed livable wage, universal healthcare, and real estate regulation (to say nothing of climate change) will require the majority of sitting members of both the House and Senate be removed, the Electoral College abolished and the Supreme Court overhauled. In fact, we will need to gut both the Republican and Democratic parties of their existing leadership or elevate other parties to prominence. That is a regime change.

Even if we keep the constitution and the name, it's a regime change. I mean, the Protestant Reformation kept the Bible and that shit started multiple civil wars.

The American Revolution was not a working-class movement. Most of the founding fathers were slave owners. Benjamin Franklin owned 89 rental properties and George Washington married the richest widow in the colonies. (Source) The Founding Fathers were all politically active before the Revolution (as in, they held office) or they elevated their social status through the war itself.

The French Revolution got started shortly after the Summoning of the Estates General. That was a gathering of 1,200 elected deputies. The Third Estate broke off, created their own congress of sorts and drafted a new national constitution. While the Third Estate is often labeled “commoners”, the actual representatives on that tennis court were wealthy enough that they could take several weeks off of work to go attend a national government meeting. (Source)

The Xianhai Revolution which marked the end of China as a hereditary monarchy, was the last in a long series of attempted revolts. The key difference was that, in 1911, the military joined the revolutionaries. The Prime Minister (also a general) met with his counterparts in the New Army and negotiated the abdication of the emperor and the creation of a Republic led by exiled political leader Sun Yat-Sen. (Source)

If we want change to happen, we have to start putting our people in power. We aren't in revolt because not enough people in power are with us. We have a few, but we need more.

Need a job? Cool. Run for office. No, seriously. You live in a city in a county in a state. All three of those things have elected positions. Get in there! Cities and states can set their own minimum wage. So, start by running for literally any government position you might be even halfway qualified for, there's a decent chance you'll be unopposed. Figure out what's really going on in local politics, then run for something that gives you law-making power. Run on a platform of raising the minimum wage.

Every regime change in history involved leaders who were already in power; political, financial, or military. So, go get it! Find like-minded people and start your own damn party if you have to. Flood local councils and congresses with your people. That's how you start a revolution!

TLDR; it's because you didn't vote for Bernie.

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