
skills of r/antiwork

I see a lot of people online abusing this sub for being full of “unskilled idiots” who “can only work sales and warehouse jobs” – while that's obviously bs, I'm wondering what the skillset here actually is. Are there any tradies (electricians, builders, landscapers etc) here? Are there any professionals (eg lawyers, doctors, engineers) here? Artsy types? Graphics designers? And people stuck in sales crap, did you do a degree which ended up being useless (e.g history of film, or other regularly-shat-on degrees usually dismissed as a waste of money?)

I see a lot of people online abusing this sub for being full of “unskilled idiots” who “can only work sales and warehouse jobs” – while that's obviously bs, I'm wondering what the skillset here actually is.
Are there any tradies (electricians, builders, landscapers etc) here?
Are there any professionals (eg lawyers, doctors, engineers) here?
Artsy types? Graphics designers?
And people stuck in sales crap, did you do a degree which ended up being useless (e.g history of film, or other regularly-shat-on degrees usually dismissed as a waste of money?)

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