
Manager told me off today, but acknowledged it was 100% out of my control?

Warning, long long rant. Advice it you have it. Just need a little support. End of April I started a new job. They sold me that I can't stop out for a bit when needed and it's a give and take. They are extreamly flexible. Can work from home when needed. Week 3 I came back to my car to find someone smashed it, requiring a 4 week repair. Manager came out to help. On my lunch break next day manager offered to take me to pick up the hire car 10 mins away. Wow this place is great! I stayed back. Same day my tooth implant was bleeding, left 1.5 hour next day to get it looked at. Turns out I needed a specialist and it was urgent. I worked the time back. Friday left at 1pm to go to dentist, latest appointment possible. They said don't worry about…

Warning, long long rant. Advice it you have it. Just need a little support.

End of April I started a new job. They sold me that I can't stop out for a bit when needed and it's a give and take. They are extreamly flexible. Can work from home when needed.

Week 3 I came back to my car to find someone smashed it, requiring a 4 week repair. Manager came out to help.

On my lunch break next day manager offered to take me to pick up the hire car 10 mins away. Wow this place is great! I stayed back.

Same day my tooth implant was bleeding, left 1.5 hour next day to get it looked at. Turns out I needed a specialist and it was urgent. I worked the time back.

Friday left at 1pm to go to dentist, latest appointment possible. They said don't worry about coming back I insisted I could, they insisted not to worry I've had a stressful week. Wow they are great and understand life. Turns out i need a $2000 surgery as my bone has deteriorated. If I didn't do it I would lose my Implant. fuck.

Week 4 went well. I stayed back 30 mins everyday and worked through lunch. It's a give and take after all.

Week 5 council said they needed access to my house during work hours and I needed to be home. Asked my manager and he said all good. At this point I wish I could just do my work without all this drama. I made sure they won't be late, i just started after all. They were 40 mins late. I stayed back an hour.

Week 6 great

week 7 left 1.5 hours early for sugery. Worked it back and then some.

Week 8 – this week. My dog has high grade luxating patella that was supposed to be fixed when i started that i was putting off due to new job. But now it's so bad that we can't wait. So I told them I need half a day to take her 1.5 hours to the specialist, the her surgery will be a 2 week recovery. I will need 1 week to care for her for the $6000+ surgery that has risk to fail or damage her other leg.

So I asked to work from home for that week when we find out. Manager said he will let me know. Today I book the x-ray and ask if time is suitable.

He takes me into a meeting and says. You have been completely excellent, you have worked all the time back, everything has been out of your control and emergencies… but we need to draw the line. You can't work from home as we have had communication issues in the past due to nature of the work and i can't take the time off. They can't keep doing this as it's not a good look to the other 6 employees in the office, all whom have been there 7 years and 2 under 2.


So now it's suddenly changed. And one of the under 2 years employees has been doing same thing as she broke up with her partner and moved and had to get fridges and pick up the kids sick from school, about the same amount off as me. The other took 2 days sick and had a holiday. In the same amount of time. I took on other people's work when they left unexpectatedly. They said if I hadn't been working the time back and been so great then this would be a different conversation. But he acknowladges it was all out of my control and that I couldn't get out of work hours. What?

But they want me to find another way for my dog who will have life long issues if things don't happen soon and dont go right. She is scared of men so my partner can't care for her. She has high anxiety. I have heard the horror stories for kenelling and dog sitters. I can't risk this. I'm asking my mother “in law” but she is old and wont be able to lift her for toileting, every 2 hours. My dog is my fur baby.

The worst is I apologised. I said I wasn't suprised and they have every right. But I am suprised. Im not sorry. I don't understand. I have had no choice in the time off. I needed it.

I am LIVID. With them with me.

But what the hell do I do now? They have been amazing in every other way and I missed my chance to speak up. I thought thinks were ok and now they arnt.

And I asked them for a 1 week holiday in August before I started. My partner and I want at least 1 holiday before we start trying for children. Im 28 he is 35. We havnt organised it but what if they say no now with a this?

Tdlr: I'm so lost, just a rant about everything being great despite life's hurdles, until it wasn't. I'm overwhelmed.

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