
Got a new job, my old job immediately promoted someone else

I got a new job offer, which constituted working from home and a 30k salary bump. All great. However I was gunning for a promotion at my old job, staying late working hard and all that bullshit. After 6 months of nothing I put my 2 weeks in. In my exit interview my manager said that they were waiting for me to ask for the promotion and I would have gotten it. 3 DAYS after me quitting they promoted someone who started 1 year after me to the role I was after. I knew the company budget so I know that I am still netting an extra 10k by leaving, but I am just so beyond frustrated internally at this and just had to vent Tldr – I quit my job and the role I wanted was given to someone else before I could blink

I got a new job offer, which constituted working from home and a 30k salary bump. All great. However I was gunning for a promotion at my old job, staying late working hard and all that bullshit. After 6 months of nothing I put my 2 weeks in. In my exit interview my manager said that they were waiting for me to ask for the promotion and I would have gotten it. 3 DAYS after me quitting they promoted someone who started 1 year after me to the role I was after. I knew the company budget so I know that I am still netting an extra 10k by leaving, but I am just so beyond frustrated internally at this and just had to vent

Tldr – I quit my job and the role I wanted was given to someone else before I could blink

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