
Jobs and Housing need to prepare for geographical snobbery. Nobody wants to live near your business… Nobody local can afford to live in your posh gorgeous town.

People can work from anywhere with a computer and internet connection. MR BOSS: this means good luck staffing your business in a crummy location. Similarly you work-from-homers and digital nomads:. Quit being shocked when there is no affordable housing in your dream area. There is a mass migration to good geography. I live in a gorgeous ski town and there is HARDLY ANY HOUSING for anyone that is not earning $150,000 or more. Many of my neighbors telecommute from Manhattan or San Francisco and have large paychecks. They offer 7-11 clerks $20 per hour and cannot fill spots. Housecleaning get $50 per hour. Painters charge $10,000 for four days painting and still are backed up. The rules are changing.

People can work from anywhere with a computer and internet connection.


this means good luck staffing your business in a crummy location.

Similarly you work-from-homers and digital nomads:.

Quit being shocked when there is no affordable housing in your dream area. There is a mass migration to good geography.

I live in a gorgeous ski town and there is HARDLY ANY HOUSING for anyone that is not earning $150,000 or more.

Many of my neighbors telecommute from Manhattan or San Francisco and have large paychecks.

They offer 7-11 clerks $20 per hour and cannot fill spots.

Housecleaning get $50 per hour.

Painters charge $10,000 for four days painting and still are backed up.

The rules are changing.

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