
How do I start to care about my job?

I have never been one to give a shit about working, usually im very fluid with employers, meaning that once i get fed up with them I just up and leave to a new job and start over. Iv always done the bear minimim to get by and never really cared for doing overtime or “going the extra mile”. For me this was great up until the past two years in which iv bought a house, new car and had a baby with my wife. Through a bunch of white lie on my resume i have managed to get myself into a managerial position at my current company but I FUCKING HATE IT. Im trying my hardest to convince myself to just stay put and tolerate it for my kid sake but i just don't care about this place or this job or the industryas a whole… not one bit!…

I have never been one to give a shit about working, usually im very fluid with employers, meaning that once i get fed up with them I just up and leave to a new job and start over.

Iv always done the bear minimim to get by and never really cared for doing overtime or “going the extra mile”. For me this was great up until the past two years in which iv bought a house, new car and had a baby with my wife. Through a bunch of white lie on my resume i have managed to get myself into a managerial position at my current company but I FUCKING HATE IT. Im trying my hardest to convince myself to just stay put and tolerate it for my kid sake but i just don't care about this place or this job or the industryas a whole… not one bit!

Has anyone else been in ny situstion? How do you get over this feeling?

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