
With all the shit they’ve put us through, is it really worth trying to help boomers and/or the rural working class?

A bit off topic but I've been thinking about this. Every time we try to pitch universal healthcare, UBI, or any other social service, they smear it as “handouts” or “free shit”. So it's pretty clear they do not want it, so why give it to them? Also as a trans person, their hatred and bigotry has given me and many other LGBT folk fear, depression, and physical violence. So I kind of don't want to help them either. Thoughts?

A bit off topic but I've been thinking about this. Every time we try to pitch universal healthcare, UBI, or any other social service, they smear it as “handouts” or “free shit”. So it's pretty clear they do not want it, so why give it to them? Also as a trans person, their hatred and bigotry has given me and many other LGBT folk fear, depression, and physical violence. So I kind of don't want to help them either. Thoughts?

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