
I quit my job today.

After months of verbal abuse, power trips, and texted apologies after public shaming. I finally said it's enough. I always gave two weeks. I guess not anymore. Last week I was humiliated and forced to work under threat of retaliation while extremely uncomfortable diarrhea was happening. I should say I work(ed) with food. I was running to the restroom every 15 mins and running the floor. I told the GM I should not be there. It was ignored. Then as I reach up to put the juice machine together I shit my pants, like the worst watery awful stuff and I couldn't stop it. I dropped the juice bag, it broke, and the GM comes over and yells do you know how much that is worth? I told him I've shit my pants and I don't care and I need to leave and tried to head to bathroom. GM says…

After months of verbal abuse, power trips, and texted apologies after public shaming. I finally said it's enough.
I always gave two weeks.
I guess not anymore.
Last week I was humiliated and forced to work under threat of retaliation while extremely uncomfortable diarrhea was happening.
I should say I work(ed) with food.

I was running to the restroom every 15 mins and running the floor. I told the GM I should not be there. It was ignored.

Then as I reach up to put the juice machine together I shit my pants, like the worst watery awful stuff and I couldn't stop it. I dropped the juice bag, it broke, and the GM comes over and yells do you know how much that is worth? I told him I've shit my pants and I don't care and I need to leave and tried to head to bathroom.
GM says in a minute and waits ten minutes having me continue to serve customers, before coming to let me off the floor, then he told me corporate was coming today and I could not leave for the day.

I should have walked out then but I was so embarrassed and I am so used to be screamed at I just didn't see it as an option.
I went home showered changed and came back and finished my 8 hours. It was awful.

This week I was yelled at off the clock on my personal phone that I'm unreliable because I called out sick one day last week (YES THE DAY AFTER THE PANTS ISSUE) and when I arrived to work today my manager hours were taken away.

I called out for tomorrow before 6 pm as stated in the handbook and within 5 mins my phone was ringing and it was the GM. I did not answer. He left a message saying that I can't call out to the store only to him. Which is not in the handbook.

I'm fucking done and I told him as much over text.
I will be talking to he health department and anyone else that will listen to me about the shady ass business practices.

Most of my crew texted me pretty upset, but they all saw everything. They know what's been going on.
I'm getting statements from everyone in case I need them. I don't know how far I can go with it, but I'm going to try to do something, at least help a future employee.

I called him out on all of the bullshit over text and he tried to deny it and call me again, I didn't answer because if he has something shitty to say he can text it. He is at least smarter than that.

I don't know where I'm going with this but I pissed, I'm wide awake, and I'm still shaking about the whole thing.

I've got 3 interviews coming up, and I feel good about it all. I'll be OK, thankfully.

I still feel a little bit guilty about not giving a full two weeks. How dumb is that.

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