
Found a new summer job but current supervisor is trying to insist that I stay for another 2 weeks due to severe staff shortages

For context: I’m currently working at an after school program (in Canada) looking after children after their regular school hours for 15 hours a week. They are set for summer vacation on June 30th which is when my employment is technically over.. We just had 2 staff leave this week. However I had found a new summer job (completed the interview yesterday and they got back to me today saying I got the position). Which I accepted that and the new position is set to start July 4th with an orientation next Tuesday. With that being said I immediately informed my current supervisor about the situation how I plan on continuing until next Wednesday (June 22nd) which would be my last day. I had explained that I needed time off for myself before heading into the new position as it’s much needed for myself. But the supervisor kept asking if…

For context: I’m currently working at an after school program (in Canada) looking after children after their regular school hours for 15 hours a week. They are set for summer vacation on June 30th which is when my employment is technically over.. We just had 2 staff leave this week.

However I had found a new summer job (completed the interview yesterday and they got back to me today saying I got the position). Which I accepted that and the new position is set to start July 4th with an orientation next Tuesday.

With that being said I immediately informed my current supervisor about the situation how I plan on continuing until next Wednesday (June 22nd) which would be my last day. I had explained that I needed time off for myself before heading into the new position as it’s much needed for myself. But the supervisor kept asking if I could stay until June 30th, which I said no then I got asked if I could stay until next friday which I also said no.

And other reasons I feel like the overall environment is becoming less engaging (as in the field of child care it’d be a lot better working in team settings but due to this place being severely understaffed then in my case working in teams isn’t possible as I’m the only one responsible for 15 children.

I plan on going back to university in September 2023 for teachers college.

Am I in the wrong here? Has anyone else faced a similar situation?

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