
Out for job interviews – struggling to see why I should have even try

I just have to rant. Throwaway, because you know how employers are. My contract with my former employer is ending soon. They can't “afford me” anymore, even though I'm probably among the lowest paid employees despite working in the office, but I'm young and purposely on a timed contract so you can just fuck me over at your will, apparently. I just finished a job interview and I have no fucking clue how it went, but the interviewer didn't look me in the eyes once the entire time. I'm sitting in my car and thinking, why do I have to put so much effort into basically selling myself and my limited time on earth to people who couldn't give less of a shit about me personally. I'm fighting for a position in which I will probably be treated like crap in one way or the other, but I have to…

I just have to rant. Throwaway, because you know how employers are. My contract with my former employer is ending soon. They can't “afford me” anymore, even though I'm probably among the lowest paid employees despite working in the office, but I'm young and purposely on a timed contract so you can just fuck me over at your will, apparently. I just finished a job interview and I have no fucking clue how it went, but the interviewer didn't look me in the eyes once the entire time. I'm sitting in my car and thinking, why do I have to put so much effort into basically selling myself and my limited time on earth to people who couldn't give less of a shit about me personally. I'm fighting for a position in which I will probably be treated like crap in one way or the other, but I have to earn money? I can't be jobless while I search for the perfect employer, because then said employer (if they even exist) won't even consider me. “Become independent” yeah to blow my precious savings that would get me out of this situation way sooner so I can work even longer, because without me, my own business is dead.

Is this just me being over dramatic? Even if I'm not, wtf am I gonna do about it. Nothing. At this point I'm even considering onlyfans. If I'm gonna sell myself it better be worth it and working a regular job usually isn't.

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