
Every supermarket, gas station, and restaurant in my town is on limited hours because workers literally cannot live here with the wages they offer.

Due to gentrification and very rich people buying all of the property here so they can ski in the winters (Montana) The working class cannot afford to live here. I hear people complaining about it all the time at the airport I work at and I have to explain to them every time that they literally cannot afford to work/live here and it is THEIR fault. I live on a college campus and my already expensive rent is cheaper than in town. It's wack, dude.

Due to gentrification and very rich people buying all of the property here so they can ski in the winters (Montana) The working class cannot afford to live here. I hear people complaining about it all the time at the airport I work at and I have to explain to them every time that they literally cannot afford to work/live here and it is THEIR fault.

I live on a college campus and my already expensive rent is cheaper than in town.

It's wack, dude.

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