
Racism in the workplace, feeling like I can’t do anything

So long story short my bf is not white & was working someplace with a hostile work environment towards non-white people. The first time he went to his manager asking for advice on how to deal with his coworkers, he got fired. It sucks because there's basically no evidence of anything since he never wrote anything down or filed reports. I feel so horrible, my bf is so dejected after this experience, it is beyond effed up. He is thinking of trying to talk to a lawyer but there's not proof of anything really. It's so shady, he tried calling HR and they wouldn't answer or call him back. I wish there was something I could do but I feel so powerless to do anything. And this company is just going to keep functioning just fine and I'm sure screw over other people like this. Idk the point of this…

So long story short my bf is not white & was working someplace with a hostile work environment towards non-white people. The first time he went to his manager asking for advice on how to deal with his coworkers, he got fired. It sucks because there's basically no evidence of anything since he never wrote anything down or filed reports.

I feel so horrible, my bf is so dejected after this experience, it is beyond effed up. He is thinking of trying to talk to a lawyer but there's not proof of anything really. It's so shady, he tried calling HR and they wouldn't answer or call him back.

I wish there was something I could do but I feel so powerless to do anything. And this company is just going to keep functioning just fine and I'm sure screw over other people like this. Idk the point of this post but I just needed to vent and would accept advice.

We know now he should have been reporting things as they happened but that's why they say hindsight is 20/20 I guess.

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