
My work never told me COVID was going around.

I work on a cruise ship. After a one week break, I am flown in by the company and get a text an hour before work from a manager saying to stop by the land office and pick up face masks (we were not required to wear these before). I pick them up and am informed nothing. I get to the ship and begin to work. I go to a passenger’s room to clean and see a typed letter on their desk essentially saying “we’re sorry you got COVID and have to be isolated in this room” where they were staying in until a few hours prior. An hour later there is a meeting where the boss informs everyone there were SEVERAL cases of both passengers and coworkers were infected on the last voyage (everyone from the last voyage was obviously aware of this, but everyone who returned from breaks…

I work on a cruise ship. After a one week break, I am flown in by the company and get a text an hour before work from a manager saying to stop by the land office and pick up face masks (we were not required to wear these before). I pick them up and am informed nothing.

I get to the ship and begin to work. I go to a passenger’s room to clean and see a typed letter on their desk essentially saying “we’re sorry you got COVID and have to be isolated in this room” where they were staying in until a few hours prior.

An hour later there is a meeting where the boss informs everyone there were SEVERAL cases of both passengers and coworkers were infected on the last voyage (everyone from the last voyage was obviously aware of this, but everyone who returned from breaks was not informed). Those infected were isolated and quarantined in the rooms during the last voyage and left as I was onboarding. Turns out the person who had my exact position and cleaned that same exact room was also infected.

Then they have the audacity to say they “care about our safety” and are imposing guidelines, such as we need to wear masks. Keep in mind staff lives amongst each other, everyone with 1-2 roommates, and we will not be sleeping with masks on. And we eat together without masks. (I think masks are important to wear, but, they’re not imposing logical guidelines such as COVID testing passengers and employees before onboarding). They also clearly don’t care about my safety because they would have informed me of the risk I was getting into earlier in the week, literally any time before I took the 12 hour journey to get to work.

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