
Sometimes it’s sadly cheaper to not go to work

Does anyone else encounter having to take a sick day due to the cost of gas, food, and mental & physical energy that it takes to get to work and properly function? In my perspective, it makes more sense to commute to higher earning towns next door , but the food in those towns are expensive, the gas to get there is high, and there isn’t time to properly rest and meal prep due to the hours lost in the day reserved for rest and rejuvenation. I’m seething in my persuasive essay right now about the cattle-like conditions in the workforce operated by corporate overloads. We are literally destitute. Yet without our participation in the churn and burn society, apparently economic collapse is the outcome. How is that we as frontline workers are vital to the success of contentment for others who can afford (or scrape to afford), to have…

Does anyone else encounter having to take a sick day due to the cost of gas, food, and mental & physical energy that it takes to get to work and properly function? In my perspective, it makes more sense to commute to higher earning towns next door , but the food in those towns are expensive, the gas to get there is high, and there isn’t time to properly rest and meal prep due to the hours lost in the day reserved for rest and rejuvenation. I’m seething in my persuasive essay right now about the cattle-like conditions in the workforce operated by corporate overloads. We are literally destitute. Yet without our participation in the churn and burn society, apparently economic collapse is the outcome. How is that we as frontline workers are vital to the success of contentment for others who can afford (or scrape to afford), to have a fulfilling livelihood experience like a vacation, but not vital enough to be kept alive to operate it? It quite literally makes no sense. They said screw educational pursuit, screw spiritually sound endeavors, screw creative innovation, screw basic human rights and respectful kinship with ur fellow-man, screw literal health, crunch the numbers until ur brain fries and work ur body to the grave so that billionaire bob can buy his 6th vacation home and send his children to nepotism land university. Yea, I’m sick again. Sick of this bullshit & please use my sick pay accrual so I can f*cking complete normal house chores, ( house WORK) home WORK, and obtain non stress related , actually restful sleep. DM for revolt.

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