
Planning to quit while being the only available employee.

I’m at the verge of quitting my job. I work at subway. Currently I’m the only available employee. There are three of us but my two other coworkers got Covid last week. My coworker Eva(fake name) got Covid last Saturday. Me and my coworker Joyce(fake name) were working together until she got Covid on Tuesday. We both worked together on Sat-Mon. Monday was Joyce day off. Our boss first said that it should just be me working the whole day by myself. (Joyce opens the store while I close the store.) Since I’ve always been the closing person. I don’t know anything about opening a store, I tell my boss that I don’t know how to make bread. So, she schedules Joyce to work morning and me afternoons. I told Joyce not to work since it’s her day off. I told Joyce if she doesn’t work it should encourage our…

I’m at the verge of quitting my job.

I work at subway. Currently I’m the only available employee. There are three of us but my two other coworkers got Covid last week. My coworker Eva(fake name) got Covid last Saturday. Me and my coworker Joyce(fake name) were working together until she got Covid on Tuesday. We both worked together on Sat-Mon.

Monday was Joyce day off. Our boss first said that it should just be me working the whole day by myself. (Joyce opens the store while I close the store.) Since I’ve always been the closing person. I don’t know anything about opening a store, I tell my boss that I don’t know how to make bread. So, she schedules Joyce to work morning and me afternoons. I told Joyce not to work since it’s her day off. I told Joyce if she doesn’t work it should encourage our boss to hire new people since she hasn’t for the past year since us 3 could handle the store. But Joyce didn’t listen and worked.

Tuesday morning. I was being spammed by phone calls from both my boss and Joyce. Since it was my day off I didn’t answer. I only answered Joyce but not my boss. My boss texts me to work from 12 to 6:30. She also told me that “she will make bread and I go in to close the store.” Since it was 10am and I still haven’t answered her she told me to stay off.

I didn’t mind working Wednesday by myself since I knew I had to work. The moment I noticed nothing had been touched besides the bread, I knew my boss didn’t open. And a few regular customers asked me why I wasn’t open yesterday. It pissed me off since she should cover for her employees.

On Wednesday and Thursday I opened and closed by myself.

On Friday she opened the store to make bread. I arrived and noticed that she didn’t restock any of the meat and veggies so I had to do it for her. She didn’t bother to help prepare anything for the next day either. I had to close early and it took me an hour to prepare everything.

Today the same thing happened. Thankfully I had prepared what I would need for the day. Each time I would go to the back and try to fill the sauces or try to see if I could prepare something. She would tell me “we have customers.” Like okay she can go help them while I quickly prepare for tomorrow but she wanted me to help them. She would constantly move from doing the meat section to the veggies and register back and forth which annoyed me since Joyce and I stayed in one section the whole day.

So today I wasn’t able to prepare anything while she was there. Since she kept asking me to help the customers. She’s the owner, so she should be able to handle a few customers. So I told myself I will close at 6:30 and prepare for the next day and see how long it would take me to complete everything. I was doing a job for 2 people. I had to clean and prepare. I wasn’t done until 9pm. 2 hours after since I had to have everything ready for tomorrow or else she would not allow me to prepare.

Once I was done she texted me earlier saying, “11:30 to 6:30 tomorrow.” Literally opening and closing. I know for a fact that she wants me there early since she can’t handle her store. While our regular schedule opener opens 10:30 until 3 and closer 1 until 6:30.

The hours don’t mind me. I worked 12 hour shifts before. What bothers me is that I’m working my ass off for a job that I know won’t do the same for me. I’m planning on quitting tomorrow if she doesn’t accept if I can come in at 1 since I closed late. Or putting my two week notice. If I do quit I’m not sure how that’s going to be since I’m the only available employee.

Another thing I was hoping this week I would see is that she would be doing an interview but nothing.

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