
Well antiwork, I’m coming over to the good side.

I have (finally) made the decision to move on from my current role. Our company is small. We have 6 of us running operations (2 management & 4 front line) and a bunch of management off site making a pretty penny. We’ve had constant turn over for the last couple of years including two of our more experienced managers leaving recently. I’ve genuinely enjoyed my job so despite everyone leaving around me, I’ve opted to stay. …until now… I’ve always stayed connected to antiwork, thought maybe my situation was different. It wasn’t. My CEO has no clue what happens on site. No clue who does what. But he knows that million dollars + the 6 of us bring in the company & how much goes out. That’s it. I’ve asked for a raise 3 months ago, then again three weeks ago when our GM left, & again via email last…

I have (finally) made the decision to move on from my current role.

Our company is small. We have 6 of us running operations (2 management & 4 front line) and a bunch of management off site making a pretty penny. We’ve had constant turn over for the last couple of years including two of our more experienced managers leaving recently. I’ve genuinely enjoyed my job so despite everyone leaving around me, I’ve opted to stay.

…until now…

I’ve always stayed connected to antiwork, thought maybe my situation was different. It wasn’t. My CEO has no clue what happens on site. No clue who does what. But he knows that million dollars + the 6 of us bring in the company & how much goes out. That’s it. I’ve asked for a raise 3 months ago, then again three weeks ago when our GM left, & again via email last week. I was given no answers or anything specific. CEO asked what I do on site (I guess to write up a new contract for me) and said they would talk to me about it on Friday.

Not a single effort was made to speak to me Friday. Not a phone call, email, not even a message.

I have applied to other jobs this weekend, and I felt great about it. I have already told my 5 coworkers that I don’t plan on giving my two weeks & apologized about any inconvenience this may cause. (Good/bad idea? Don’t need the job for references)
Every single one of my coworkers respected that decision. They’re all fully aware of how we get treated & don’t expect me to give any kind of respect or good treatment to this company.

There’s no winning for me here. If I get a raise, he’s gonna expect me to do more.

So I’m outtie.

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