
“Where do you work/intern?” –> Watch out.

Rant incoming When this question gets asked to me with a particular tone and timing, I immediately put my guard up. If I'm feeling particularly adventurous and prepared, I'll be sarcastic and give a bullshit condescending answer. When this particular situation comes up, I know what the other party is up to. They are trying to figure out to how treat me. Unless you are directly in charge of me, I don't do your little hierarchy. If you can't process that, then you've got something else coming. A lot of times people use this as a means of harmless small talk. However, toxic people abuse the hell outta this statement because they want to figure out how to objectify you. How to get ahead of you. How to fuck with you so they see you fall. They have to assign a visible hierarchy so it feeds their black and white…

Rant incoming

When this question gets asked to me with a particular tone and timing, I immediately put my guard up. If I'm feeling particularly adventurous and prepared, I'll be sarcastic and give a bullshit condescending answer. When this particular situation comes up, I know what the other party is up to. They are trying to figure out to how treat me. Unless you are directly in charge of me, I don't do your little hierarchy. If you can't process that, then you've got something else coming.

A lot of times people use this as a means of harmless small talk. However, toxic people abuse the hell outta this statement because they want to figure out how to objectify you. How to get ahead of you. How to fuck with you so they see you fall. They have to assign a visible hierarchy so it feeds their black and white logic systems.

I ran into this very same situation the other day. A family of five moves in, and immediately I get asked this question by the dad with a condescending attitude. As if I'm too young to live on my own. I didn't have a fucking choice. My family shit all over my future and still think they own me. I'm not gonna put up with that. I have a legal document that specifies I have a right to residency here, and if you have a problem with that, get out of my face. I don't want to hear it.

Im just hoping I can afford at least a therapy session to two to really get this off my mind. I will probably need more but we'll see how this plays out

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