
my mind was not made to work

Specifically to work in this system. I always did good in school, 3.3 GPA, and played sports where the coach ran us to the ground for conditioning (fun times). But no matter what job I do, electrician, IT tech support, whatever it is I can't do this life of work; wake up, prep good, commute for an hour, work, commute back, rest for 3 hours of free time, sleep, repeat. I can't do it. I go to sleep with anxiety knowing this is my life and the only way to escape this meaningless existence is to win the lottery. I wouldn't even buy expensive crap, I'd just read and write and go to the gym. It's not that I don't want to work hard, it's that there's nothing meaningful to work hard for in this system

Specifically to work in this system. I always did good in school, 3.3 GPA, and played sports where the coach ran us to the ground for conditioning (fun times). But no matter what job I do, electrician, IT tech support, whatever it is I can't do this life of work; wake up, prep good, commute for an hour, work, commute back, rest for 3 hours of free time, sleep, repeat.

I can't do it. I go to sleep with anxiety knowing this is my life and the only way to escape this meaningless existence is to win the lottery. I wouldn't even buy expensive crap, I'd just read and write and go to the gym.

It's not that I don't want to work hard, it's that there's nothing meaningful to work hard for in this system

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