
Is it legal to demand someone go into work while sick with a doctor’s note?

Didn’t think I’d be posting on here but 2022 is wild. Yesterday I woke up to one eye being crusted shut, went to the urgent care, got a prescription for antibiotic eye drops and a note to excuse me from work until Wednesday do to having pink eye. I work in childcare (3 year olds, to be exact) so you’d think my boss wouldn’t want me around the kids while I’ll, right? Wrong. Today I emailed one boss and texted another to let them know what was going on. I pretty quickly got a text back asking when I was diagnosed, I told her yesterday, and she told me to call her now. I called her and basically got this long spiel about how after three days of medication I am no longer contagious (1 it will only be 3 days after Monday has passed and 2 why do you…

Didn’t think I’d be posting on here but 2022 is wild.

Yesterday I woke up to one eye being crusted shut, went to the urgent care, got a prescription for antibiotic eye drops and a note to excuse me from work until Wednesday do to having pink eye.
I work in childcare (3 year olds, to be exact) so you’d think my boss wouldn’t want me around the kids while I’ll, right? Wrong.

Today I emailed one boss and texted another to let them know what was going on. I pretty quickly got a text back asking when I was diagnosed, I told her yesterday, and she told me to call her now.
I called her and basically got this long spiel about how after three days of medication I am no longer contagious (1 it will only be 3 days after Monday has passed and 2 why do you think you know better than my doctor?) and that she expected to see me at work.
She basically kept repeating that until I finally was able to get a word in and told her I had a doctor’s note. She did not care and said she expected me to be at work. I asked for that in writing and that pissed her off lmao

She went off saying she would not being sending me anything in writing, that what she was doing wasn’t illegal, and she had my best interest at heart as well as the other teacher’s.

I said okay, I won’t be coming in tomorrow though as I have a doctor’s note and am not comfortable exposing the kids to my pink eye. It basically ended with her fake cheerfully saying she expects to see me tomorrow.

Now the fun part is that even though she didn’t want to send ME anything in writing she sent an email explaining the situation to my co-lead teachers, tho funnily enough she neglected to mention the doctor note. Thankfully one of them sent me a screenshot of the email.
So if she tries to fire me or anything, at least I have it in writing WHY she is doing it.

Anyhow, is any of that legal? Especially while I still have sick days/PTO available.

Also sorry if the formatting is balls, I’m on my phone rn

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