
Fired after possible promotion

My job at Walmart kept telling me I was going to get promotions. The newest one was guaranteed to me as I had worked there before, but I had gotten sick and ended up throwing up on the clock so I put PTO in for the rest of my shift and went home. I had gotten a call from my employer saying that I am fired for leaving early despite putting in PTO and I had only had 2 points. The day I had left was not an event day or any special day, in fact we were slow that day so there would not have been a viable excuse to fire me.

My job at Walmart kept telling me I was going to get promotions. The newest one was guaranteed to me as I had worked there before, but I had gotten sick and ended up throwing up on the clock so I put PTO in for the rest of my shift and went home. I had gotten a call from my employer saying that I am fired for leaving early despite putting in PTO and I had only had 2 points. The day I had left was not an event day or any special day, in fact we were slow that day so there would not have been a viable excuse to fire me.

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