
Have covid and have to work from home while feeling like garbage

Shout out to salaried jobs that give you like 0 time off. I accepted this one because it was a pretty significant pay increase from my old job and thought I could suck it up for a year before it increases to 15 days. Wrong choice. My current job only has 10 days PTO and I’m currently in the middle of building a house (which by the way, as a millennial I was barely able to afford by the skin of my teeth but got in before I was totally overpriced out of my area, but that’s a totally different story.) Between needing to take time off to move/do things for the house and saving like 2 days just incase of emergency or if I need them, I don’t have any more time. My luck, I ended up getting covid this weekend after dodging it for 2.5 years and I…

Shout out to salaried jobs that give you like 0 time off. I accepted this one because it was a pretty significant pay increase from my old job and thought I could suck it up for a year before it increases to 15 days. Wrong choice.

My current job only has 10 days PTO and I’m currently in the middle of building a house (which by the way, as a millennial I was barely able to afford by the skin of my teeth but got in before I was totally overpriced out of my area, but that’s a totally different story.)

Between needing to take time off to move/do things for the house and saving like 2 days just incase of emergency or if I need them, I don’t have any more time. My luck, I ended up getting covid this weekend after dodging it for 2.5 years and I feel terrible. Fever, body aches, all of it. I just want to sleep. I don’t even have much work to do right now. It’s just so I’ll be online.

Since I don’t have any time to take off, I will have to work from home all day. I truthfully don’t even feel well enough to do that but don’t really have another choice. I know a lot of this is my doing due to the house, but companies that give 10 days and no sick time/covid leave suck. Just needed to vent.

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