
Quitting a job that has mistreated me for the better part of 5 years. Do I give notice? Do I elaborate?

This company is one of the biggest in America. They’re extremely diversified and in dozens of industries. I’ve heard it’s a great place to work, except in sales, where I work. I’ve made an exhaustive list of reasons why I won’t miss this job. It includes their constant use of fear as a motivator, an actually institutional culture of actively trying to not do work/help people (while at the same time promoting an extremely “competitive” environment), and they love to punish struggling employees instead of retraining and guidance. I ask frequently for advice and best practices to improve my team’s sales performance but only get hung out to dry. Like instead of trying to help me improve my team, my superiors will only talk to me to berate me, as if helping me will hurt their reputation (reputation is a whole other can of BS at this place) I’m not…

This company is one of the biggest in America. They’re extremely diversified and in dozens of industries. I’ve heard it’s a great place to work, except in sales, where I work.

I’ve made an exhaustive list of reasons why I won’t miss this job. It includes their constant use of fear as a motivator, an actually institutional culture of actively trying to not do work/help people (while at the same time promoting an extremely “competitive” environment), and they love to punish struggling employees instead of retraining and guidance. I ask frequently for advice and best practices to improve my team’s sales performance but only get hung out to dry. Like instead of trying to help me improve my team, my superiors will only talk to me to berate me, as if helping me will hurt their reputation (reputation is a whole other can of BS at this place)

I’m not sure if I want to give notice or elaborate when they ask me why I’m leaving. The company has always taught that if someone calls you for a reference on someone who you wouldn’t recommend, the most responsible thing to say is, “I don’t have anything to say about that person.” And it seems like a perfect response for this.

“Can we ask what made you want to leave?”

“Yeah not really, I don’t have much to say about my time here.”


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