
how to fake my way through this job

People of Reddit, please help! I made a fake resume that has a bachelor's degree in management, and 6 years of experience. I've never been in a management position, how can I fake my way through this job? I have a few interviews lined up at restaurants but I've never even worked in a restaurant. I'm a pretty smooth talker and can generally BS my way through most things, but I want to make sure I Cross My T's and dot My i's … what can I do to assure success in this position? Any tips would be helpful, regarding how to actually be a manager, or faking my way through this interview … Thanks !! TLDR: I faked a resume with a bachelors and experience how do I actually pull this job off?

People of Reddit, please help! I made a fake resume that has a bachelor's degree in management, and 6 years of experience. I've never been in a management position, how can I fake my way through this job? I have a few interviews lined up at restaurants but I've never even worked in a restaurant. I'm a pretty smooth talker and can generally BS my way through most things, but I want to make sure I Cross My T's and dot My i's … what can I do to assure success in this position? Any tips would be helpful, regarding how to actually be a manager, or faking my way through this interview …
Thanks !!

TLDR: I faked a resume with a bachelors and experience how do I actually pull this job off?

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