
Holier than thou recruiter

So just got a job offer from a recruiter for a job that I have been chasing on and off for a few years. The money is slightly below industry standard but the position is extremely safe with no end in sight and the work load fairly laid back with not a lot of pressure. The trade off for money is made up for by conditions. The first fuck up was a recruiter scheduling a Teams meeting and not sending me the invite. Then proceeds to roast me via email and phone call for not attending the meeting. Talks me through the teams invite process like a 5 year old. Bitch I attend teams meetings every day of the week. This is your fuck up. Rescheduled. Got the invite this time, blitzed the interview, got the job. Recruiter calls to officially offer me the job, on her high horse again.…

So just got a job offer from a recruiter for a job that I have been chasing on and off for a few years.

The money is slightly below industry standard but the position is extremely safe with no end in sight and the work load fairly laid back with not a lot of pressure. The trade off for money is made up for by conditions.

The first fuck up was a recruiter scheduling a Teams meeting and not sending me the invite. Then proceeds to roast me via email and phone call for not attending the meeting. Talks me through the teams invite process like a 5 year old. Bitch I attend teams meetings every day of the week. This is your fuck up.


Got the invite this time, blitzed the interview, got the job.

Recruiter calls to officially offer me the job, on her high horse again. Tells me the offer and all the “special conditions” the company is prepared to offer. I politely decline as I currently have a better offer on the table. She then again proceeds to roast me about why I should take into account all these “extra conditions” like annual leave, compulsory super, sick leave, things that basically don't even apply to the role as it's a FIFO 3 week on 3 week off role.

Shit gets heated, I bring up all the lip she gave me about the missed teams meeting and how it was her fuck up from the start, she gets the “oh that's behind us, I didn't have a problem” attitude

Long story short, whole heap of back and forth, I'm done with it so I tell this dumb bitch, catch ya later and hang up.

Now got the hiring manager blowing up my phone.

Maybe career suicide, whatever 🤷‍️

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