
The Revolution Wont Happen On Reddit/Social Media

It seems a lot of people believe that eventually enough is enough we will break and start a giant general strike to topple the corporate overlords and it will all happen through Reddit or other socials. Sorry thats far from reality Social media IS big Corporations. They use these platforms to control the narrative and push their agenda. While yes there is a lot of freedom and connectivity with things like this sub an actual movement wont be allowed to take place let me give you some examples ​ First of all we know about corporate greed, why would they allow themselves to be taken down through their own platforms? The corporations watch out for one another when it hurts all of them, they have unity in that sense to keep us 99% under their boot. ​ Id like to start off with a controversial topic first, Parler. Ive never…

It seems a lot of people believe that eventually enough is enough we will break and start a giant general strike to topple the corporate overlords and it will all happen through Reddit or other socials. Sorry thats far from reality

Social media IS big Corporations. They use these platforms to control the narrative and push their agenda. While yes there is a lot of freedom and connectivity with things like this sub an actual movement wont be allowed to take place let me give you some examples

First of all we know about corporate greed, why would they allow themselves to be taken down through their own platforms? The corporations watch out for one another when it hurts all of them, they have unity in that sense to keep us 99% under their boot.

Id like to start off with a controversial topic first, Parler. Ive never used it or know too much about it besides it being a social media/group for “right wing extremists”. They got shut down a couple years ago due to their extremism. It wasnt the government that shut them down though it was corporations. Google and Amazon pulled their servers, I believe Facebook also barred them. Millions of voices silenced in the span of a few hours. Sure it was good we got the crazies to stop gathering, but what happens when its not just the “bad” people that are targeted

Here comes GME. We all know about Gamestop and if you dont, well people realized hedge funds were fucking over stocks so they decided to fuck over the hedge fund in order to make them lose money. This was all going fine until it really picked up on socials. Melvin Capital (the hedgefund) was going to lose BILLIONS and so were other big corps involved. Now we cant have the corporations lose to us, plebs, so what happened next?

Well Facebook deleted groups with 100,000+ members, Discord did the same thing. Google pulled 100,000+ negative reviews from Robinhood. I saw it with my own eyes, they had a 1 star rating and within hour were back at 4 stars. The BIG GUYS WATCH OUT FOR EACH OTHER. Feel free to google any of those statements theres tons of articles

This is more of an opinion but I believe this sub was infiltrated too. I remember months ago there was a call for general strike, Mayday strike etc. However no single date was picked, why? I personally believe because bots put up fake fliers/dates etc to demotivate and confuse us.

Theres other examples and so on. Although this sub exists I do not think there will be a general strike thats organized on here.

If we want change to happen we need to put in work, talk to people at your workplace, your friends etc. Have a physical circle and slowly we will establish a movement. Use this sub for info and comms but lets not put all our eggs into the enemies basket.

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