
An example of working in British retail.

So back in 2011 I was looking for a weekend/evening job and managed to land myself a Christmas temp contract at a well known UK home furnishing store. Worked 12/16 hour weeks from November through to mid Jan, at which point some of the temps were let go and some were given new full time contracts, I was given a letter confirming I had a permanent position of 9am-1pm on a Saturday. Naturally I was disappointed I wasn’t getting more hours but thought I’d pick up other shifts and keep asking for more hours. By April I realised this wasn’t happening and I needed more money so applied for a new job and got it immediately, they were happy for me to continue working the 9-1 at my existing job and then 2-6 with them and another 12 hours throughout the rest of the week. Perfect. This worked well for…

So back in 2011 I was looking for a weekend/evening job and managed to land myself a Christmas temp contract at a well known UK home furnishing store. Worked 12/16 hour weeks from November through to mid Jan, at which point some of the temps were let go and some were given new full time contracts, I was given a letter confirming I had a permanent position of 9am-1pm on a Saturday. Naturally I was disappointed I wasn’t getting more hours but thought I’d pick up other shifts and keep asking for more hours. By April I realised this wasn’t happening and I needed more money so applied for a new job and got it immediately, they were happy for me to continue working the 9-1 at my existing job and then 2-6 with them and another 12 hours throughout the rest of the week. Perfect. This worked well for another year and I did manage to get a few extra hours out of each job here and there. Then in comes a new management team at my first job, they decide that the rota will now be announced for the following week every Sunday afternoon and would only be posted on the staff room notice board. Obviously once I’ve done my Saturday shift I’m not in the building again until the following Saturday, so if there were any changes I didn’t know about them. After a few weeks I get a phone call midweek from the manager saying I’ve now missed several shifts and should be there right now (I wasn’t at home so couldn’t even change into my uniform and head in) and he’ll be giving me a disciplinary with the understanding if I missed another shift I’d lose my job. I had repeatedly told him I had another job, they gave me a rota four weeks in advance which I always gave him a copy of and if he wanted to give me extra hours he would need to tell me on my previous shift. He claimed no member of staff had fixed hours and everyone should be flexible to work any shift required, unless I could produce a contract showing I had fixed hours I would be fired. I told him all of what had happened regarding me asking for extra hours and I had the previous managers blessing to get a new role as they couldn’t offer me more hours. He didn’t care. So I went home and dug out the letter stating my hours with the intention of showing him the following week. The next Saturday rolls around, I arrive at 8:45 for the briefing as per normal, he wasn’t there at the start of my shift. At 10:30 he walks over to the Customer Service desk where I was working and asks why I’m on the desk when I’m not scheduled until 12. Cue repeat of conversation held previously. He tells me to get my stuff, go home and come back at 12, and that I won’t be paid for the time I’d already worked. So I walked to the staff room, got my letter, went to his office and slammed it down on his desk telling him he needed to put me back on my 9-1 shift as per my contract or I’d be reporting him to HR. The look on his face was priceless as he read the letter and realised there was fuck all he could do. I then left and just went and started my other job early (they didn’t mind). Somehow he still decided to phone me at 12 and ask if I was planning on showing up for that days shift. The nerve! Luckily I was leaving for uni in September so I told him I would be handing in my notice of four weeks and would continue to work my normal shift until then. Didn’t ever see him again as he suddenly stopped working Saturday mornings.

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