
Is it okay to quit a job 1 week in because it’s too much physical work?

I started a job on Monday moving furniture and cleaning classrooms at the school I work in during the school year. I hate it. Some teachers were kind and made it really easy for us to move their furniture into the hallways and to clean their walls/counters, but others have years and decades of stuff we need to lift/push/flip in order to get to the floors. I don't mind the cleaning aspect, but we need to move everything first before we get to that step. I live a very sedentary lifestyle, and all of this physical labor feels like Too Much for my body – today making me feel actually sick. Is it responsible to quit at the end of the week? Or should I push myself at least a few more weeks to see if it'll get better. There are other jobs in the area I could get for…

I started a job on Monday moving furniture and cleaning classrooms at the school I work in during the school year. I hate it. Some teachers were kind and made it really easy for us to move their furniture into the hallways and to clean their walls/counters, but others have years and decades of stuff we need to lift/push/flip in order to get to the floors. I don't mind the cleaning aspect, but we need to move everything first before we get to that step.

I live a very sedentary lifestyle, and all of this physical labor feels like Too Much for my body – today making me feel actually sick. Is it responsible to quit at the end of the week? Or should I push myself at least a few more weeks to see if it'll get better. There are other jobs in the area I could get for money, but I don't want to really do those either lol.

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