
Red Flag Phrases in Job Postings Explained

“We are like a family.” – The classic we all know and love. Stay away from a company that says this dreaded phrase, as it is a strong sign you'll be emotionally manipulated. “Attention to details.” – This means your boss will be on your ass like flies over hot garbage when you make one mistake. “Fast-paced” and “multitasking required” – You will be doing the job of ten people and be paid poorly. “Work hard, play harder.” – Expect to be ran into the ground, burned out, and then discarded. “Rapidly growing.” – The company is a startup and probably ran by a bunch of frat boys who believe in hustle culture (except you will be the one hustling for them). “Urgently hiring.” – The company is desperate and turnover rates are high for some reason. “Self-starter/driven.” – There won't be any training and you'll be expected to know…

  1. “We are like a family.” – The classic we all know and love. Stay away from a company that says this dreaded phrase, as it is a strong sign you'll be emotionally manipulated.

  2. “Attention to details.” – This means your boss will be on your ass like flies over hot garbage when you make one mistake.

  3. “Fast-paced” and “multitasking required” – You will be doing the job of ten people and be paid poorly.

  4. “Work hard, play harder.” – Expect to be ran into the ground, burned out, and then discarded.

  5. “Rapidly growing.” – The company is a startup and probably ran by a bunch of frat boys who believe in hustle culture (except you will be the one hustling for them).

  6. “Urgently hiring.” – The company is desperate and turnover rates are high for some reason.

  7. “Self-starter/driven.” – There won't be any training and you'll be expected to know everything on day one.

  8. “Must work well under pressure.” – Get ready to have premature balding/graying and high blood pressure cuz this place is going to stress you out.

  9. “Show initiative.” – Expect micromanagement from a boomer boss that believes in “if there's time to lean there's time to clean.”

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