
Watch Your Words

I got fired from a quick casual restaurant today where I was the GM because I apparently said a cuss word towards another employee and a customer told the owner. Legit got fired because I cussed when working when we were slammed. I am assuming it was something like shit or damn, because I don't even remember it and I would never say FU to an employee. No warnings, no written write up, no nothing. I think I am going to file unemployment and appeal it till it gets to a hearing so I can just hear him say I was fired for cussing.

I got fired from a quick casual restaurant today where I was the GM because I apparently said a cuss word towards another employee and a customer told the owner. Legit got fired because I cussed when working when we were slammed. I am assuming it was something like shit or damn, because I don't even remember it and I would never say FU to an employee. No warnings, no written write up, no nothing. I think I am going to file unemployment and appeal it till it gets to a hearing so I can just hear him say I was fired for cussing.

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