
I walked out. It felt good after the anxiety settled.

I’ve worked in healthcare for over a decade. I’ve enjoyed it for the most part. But I hit my breaking point today. I’ve been at this job for a few months and I should have seen the red flags. In my interview, the clinic director said that they just cleaned house and everything was better than it was. I was not interested in working evenings but I offered to work Saturdays. I was scheduled until 9pm every Friday. Yikes. When I mentioned it, I was brushed off. Then there was Karen. Karen hated me on sight. Fine, whatever. Not everyone is going to like me, I get it. But she started calling me stupid to my face, a know it all and a b!tch because I refused to engage her. This went on for months, I would beg something to be done, I begged to move departments, anything to get…

I’ve worked in healthcare for over a decade. I’ve enjoyed it for the most part. But I hit my breaking point today.
I’ve been at this job for a few months and I should have seen the red flags. In my interview, the clinic director said that they just cleaned house and everything was better than it was. I was not interested in working evenings but I offered to work Saturdays. I was scheduled until 9pm every Friday. Yikes. When I mentioned it, I was brushed off. Then there was Karen. Karen hated me on sight. Fine, whatever. Not everyone is going to like me, I get it. But she started calling me stupid to my face, a know it all and a b!tch because I refused to engage her. This went on for months, I would beg something to be done, I begged to move departments, anything to get me away from her.
Today she told me to go kill myself because I made a small, inconsequential mistake. That was it. My mental health is not good to start with. I don’t need much coaxing to start thinking about those terrible thoughts. I started sobbing and packing up my stuff. I didn’t say goodbye to anyone, I dropped my badge off and said thank you to the director and explained that if she wanted to talk to me, I’d be over in the ER. I walked out, went over to get myself stabilized and left.

Do NOT let anyone tell you “don’t quit over one person”. It’s not worth it.

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