
Do I have any recourse for legal action?

So, I’ve worked for the same restaurant for the past seven years. It is a relatively small family owned business in a massive retirement community. I was originally hired as a sever, but over the years have filled every position in the place at one time or another. I am a team player and like to see things run smoothly so I am usually willing to fill In positions other than what I was hired for, simply because I genuinely cared. I’ll mention at this point I have a history with drugs. When I found this job I was about two weeks clean from opiates. I disclosed this to the people who interviewed, and eventually went on to hire me. I have had bumps in the road in my seven years there but never anything so drastic as to threaten or even effect my job. Fast forward to this year.…

So, I’ve worked for the same restaurant for the past seven years. It is a relatively small family owned business in a massive retirement community. I was originally hired as a sever, but over the years have filled every position in the place at one time or another. I am a team player and like to see things run smoothly so I am usually willing to fill In positions other than what I was hired for, simply because I genuinely cared. I’ll mention at this point I have a history with drugs. When I found this job I was about two weeks clean from opiates. I disclosed this to the people who interviewed, and eventually went on to hire me. I have had bumps in the road in my seven years there but never anything so drastic as to threaten or even effect my job. Fast forward to this year. Our busy season runs begins January and ends around Mother’s Day. During this time the general manager just went through a divorce and was mentally and physically checked out. She was usually there 8-4ish every day and the workers were left to manage ourselves, veterans like myself had to deal with our own workloads as well as customer complaints, and of course bickering between the staff. Anyone who has worked in a restaurant knows how exhausting this can be.

 At some point at the beginning of “season” management released what was known to be a “permanent” schedule. On which I was scheduled to tend bar significantly more than serve. I don’t particularly mind the work, but it is more intensive, longer hours, and untimely less money(most of the time by a lot). I was making way less money than my serving co workers and was the last to leave every night. Eventually they hired a general manager and I voiced these concerns to him( he used to serve with us. So I knew him pretty well). I never heard back. 

   Eventually I approached the general manager( the one who was barely ever there) she also happens to be one of the daughters of the owner. I voiced my concerns with her and suggested maybe a higher hourly to make up for the difference created by working a position other than what I was hired for. Also I inquired about health insurance, because my new heightened hourly put me beyond threshold for eligibility. On both topics I was basically dismissed. I began to get and work angry, often loudly voicing my frustrations to coworkers in the restaurant mostly when all customers had left. Much of the place was mic’d up for sound so I’m sure ownership heard me at some point. 

  One days coupe weeks ago I get a call from a guy I used to buy drugs from in 2019. He dug my # out of an old flip phone and was offering the same old shit. I told him inwasnt interested at which point i should have blocked him immediately. After a few more calls I eventually succumbed and bought a little. The following day at work I did a little before my shift and was noticeably fucked. Nobody mentioned it. the next day i was to work a double shift on the bar. The first half of the day went well and I made pretty good $$. The  night shift came and the other bartender called out so I was set tonwork with the GM(owners daughter one). I took a short break smoked a couple ciggs, came back inside and headed for the bathroom. I did some drugs. That’s when I realized the drug landscape had changed dramatically. I was very fuckered. Last thing I remember was GM telling me to go sit in the office. Next thing was police and paramedics standing over me. Obviously I was/am mortified.  To be clear i realize my actions are my fault, but now I am stuck trying to find help without insurance and very little money. This is despite my requests for exactly that. Does management share any of the burden due to the fact that I requested insurance and was ignored. Also, what is reasonable when it comes to job assignment vs. the job title I was hired for. If this doesn’t apply to this sub please feel free to remove. Thanks for reading.

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