
I hate my job. Today was finally the breaking point of me putting in a two weeks.

I work in accounting, get paid shit for a 40 hour week, and have two degrees. I make around $13 an hour AFTER taxes. Pretty sure kids at Mcdonalds make more then me. and I went to school for five years. I've been here almost a year and a half. Why did I put up with this so long you ask? Well, one, I hate confrontation, and I don't like change. I dealt with it because I didn't know how to get out of it. It's also close to my house (10 minute drive) so it was convenient in the mornings. It's a smaller business in a small town, so by leaving, I felt like I was putting them in a bad place. The job itself wasn't hard, so I felt like it was easy to put up with. I now know I owe these people NOTHING after this week.…

I work in accounting, get paid shit for a 40 hour week, and have two degrees. I make around $13 an hour AFTER taxes. Pretty sure kids at Mcdonalds make more then me. and I went to school for five years. I've been here almost a year and a half. Why did I put up with this so long you ask?

Well, one, I hate confrontation, and I don't like change. I dealt with it because I didn't know how to get out of it. It's also close to my house (10 minute drive) so it was convenient in the mornings. It's a smaller business in a small town, so by leaving, I felt like I was putting them in a bad place. The job itself wasn't hard, so I felt like it was easy to put up with. I now know I owe these people NOTHING after this week.

This company has been in business 60 or something odd years, and still using equipment from the 90's. I'm not kidding. Our phones stopped working one day, and when I called the repair line, they basically said I was screwed because our phones were not made anymore due to being so old! I've found old invoices from 93/94 laying around. That's before I was even alive.

It's so unorganized. I am a F. Both of my bosses are M, the owner, and the CFO. The owner isn't too bad (to me at least) but can be a real hardass to other people. The CFO is always over your shoulder and on you.

My parents have bad health, I have bad health, Tuesday I had to take my mom to the ER because she was bleeding and called me to take her to get stiches.. I left work that day, told them what was up, and when I came back the next day nobody asked how I was, or how my mom was. This company was always gung-ho about “we are a small business family blah blah”.

Today I was “yelled at” because I hadn't forwarded an email at the beginning of the month. Instead of being polite about it (I recognize I didn't do what I was supposed to. I would have apologized, said it wouldn't happen again, etc) the CFO talked to me like I was stupid, called me on my office phone, berated me, then berated me in the public office when he came down.

After that, it was like I was just done with everything. I had been contemplating quitting anyway, because I had a job offer to make $19 an hour PT, doing the same work here at another company. I felt bad for leaving, but now it's like, “i will never feel bad”. I can literally make more money at this other company, work less hours, and have more time to do stuff.

Still haven't told them I'm putting in a two weeks. Going to wait until my start date at the new company, but the amount of relief I feel right now just KNOWING that in a few weeks I can be done of this place and having to walk on egg shells.

In an ideal world I wouldn't have to work at all, but unfortunately I do have some bills that require me to work some. It's times like these I wish I was born rich so I wouldn't have to work for anyone again.

Never let people talk to you at work like you're stupid, don't know what you're doing, or belittle you! It's not worth it!

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