
I’m not resigning.. fire me bitch- Part 2!

Happy Thursday! Here's your update. Part 1: So as you may know from my last post, I just came back from maternity leave last week (6/13) and was told to come into the office for 2 days a week. I said no. I can and will work from home. My boss' boss called the next morning and said come in or they'll “accept my resignation”. They gave me a week to “figure it out”. There is no need to be in the office for my role except to justify middle management's existence and our newly renovated building. I sent an email Monday night (6/20, before my week was up) to my boss and her boss saying I am not coming in 2 days a week per “policy”. I was professional, but honest and brutal. Literally started the email saying I don't believe the feelings of my return were reciprocated.…

Happy Thursday! Here's your update.
Part 1:

So as you may know from my last post, I just came back from maternity leave last week (6/13) and was told to come into the office for 2 days a week. I said no. I can and will work from home. My boss' boss called the next morning and said come in or they'll “accept my resignation”. They gave me a week to “figure it out”. There is no need to be in the office for my role except to justify middle management's existence and our newly renovated building. I sent an email Monday night (6/20, before my week was up) to my boss and her boss saying I am not coming in 2 days a week per “policy”. I was professional, but honest and brutal. Literally started the email saying I don't believe the feelings of my return were reciprocated. Noted how my role was completely ignored during my 3 month maternity leave, over 800 emails, 800 items in my queue, my temp replacement quit, management not debriefing me upon my return, etc. I mentioned how many branches and vendors were relieved I was back, and thought it was crazy they'd consider losing a valuable team member. Going into the office is completely unnecessary for my position and I won't do it. I am not willing, comfortable, or able to do it.

I'm not trying to get unemployment. I'm not trying to sue for discrimination of a new mom or something. I'm assuming if I get fired vs quit I won't be forced to pay anything back from my leave. Sure, maybe I'm being a little petty too. But fuck it. I can't and won't go in. May as well try to fight it or quit/ lose my job anyways. I have a new baby to care for.

Well a lot of people were waiting for an update. Trust me, I was too. I fully expected to log on the next day to a notice saying I'm fired. That wasn't the case. Radio silence. Nothing at all. They just left me alone to work, the one time I didn't expect them to. Didn't get much done if I'm being honest.

While I was waiting, I found out a coworker on another team was told she could remain working from home. I was livid. Happy for her, but pissed. She lives super far from the office and with gas prices, it's unmanageable to come in. She ended up calling me Tuesday (6/21) and said that her boss emailed her, with my boss' boss cc'ed, and is forcing her to come in now as well. They literally just finished setting her up at home permanently on Friday, and now they're saying nevermind. They want “consistency”. She was so upset. I never intended for this to happen. She didn't blame me at all though, decided to fight back as well. I had no clue what they're trying to do. There have been a few other exceptions of people not being forced in. Again, we were told it was up to each department originally, but who knows at this point. Maybe they're trying to force out any exceptions so if they fire me I can't claim I'm being singled out and sue or something? Not sure.

Also I was curious and looked on Indeed as suggested. Tons of jobs out there I could totally do btw, some even paying more while remaining remote. (That is, if I decide not to care for my newborn for a bit longer. 3 months isn't enough). Guess what I found… my job. Posted. Right there. Pay and all. The higher end was more than I make! Wanna know the date? Fucking Monday. 6/13. So my first day back to work after maternity leave and they posted my position online as available and urgently hiring. Not sure if it was before or after I originally told my boss no, but I sent my first email after hours so I bet it was before. Also they never use Indeed for open positions. That shit costs money. Oof I was pissed. Told my coworkers and mentioned the pay so they can make sure they make at least that much. Heard from a coworker that someone is interviewing with them this week. Ended up calling off the next day (Wed- yesterday) cuz fuck it. I have sick time.

Well, got another update for ya! My boss' boss emailed me this morning (6/23). Said:
“Morning. I have not replied sooner because I was having conversations with senior leadership and HR. We are looking to change the work from home policy to one day a week in the office. Leadership is adamant that one day a week in the office is essential for communication, training, developing relationships ect. while allowing a generous work/ life balance. Additionally after talking to recruiters one day a week is very generous considering 95% of companies have moved to 3-4 days in the office.
You need to understand that if you decide not to come in one day a week, we will accept your resignation.”

Thoughts everyone?
Not sure why she thinks I'm gonna fold. It's wild they won't just fire me. I'm not quitting. It's the principle of the matter. Gone too far now to back down.

Tldr: Still not fucking quitting, and not going in either.

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