
“Well if you just worked harder, maybe you’d be more successful.”

No. People need to stop equating financial success with hard work. Stop using the financially successful as examples of how hard work pays off because hard work isn't the defining factor here. Being born into money is the biggest contributing factor to success, not hard work, and that's part of why the system is so broken.  My boss was born into a wealthy family that paid for any and every extracurricular activity he wanted to do as a kid, and he had total freedom to explore his interests and pursue whatever he wanted to do. He never had to work a job as a teen/student. They fully paid for his undergraduate degree. They fully paid for his graduate degree. They helped him get his current job. They helped him buy his giant 1.5 million dollar house. He has never known what it is like to have to work your ass off,…


People need to stop equating financial success with hard work. Stop using the financially successful as examples of how hard work pays off because hard work isn't the defining factor here. Being born into money is the biggest contributing factor to success, not hard work, and that's part of why the system is so broken. 

My boss was born into a wealthy family that paid for any and every extracurricular activity he wanted to do as a kid, and he had total freedom to explore his interests and pursue whatever he wanted to do. He never had to work a job as a teen/student. They fully paid for his undergraduate degree. They fully paid for his graduate degree. They helped him get his current job. They helped him buy his giant 1.5 million dollar house. He has never known what it is like to have to work your ass off, and he is the very definition of financial success.

My boss's average day at work involves rolling in at 11AM, dicking around in his e-mail for an hour, leaving for lunch from 12 to 1, having two hours of meetings, and going home at 3PM. He does as little as humanly possible, and he makes a huge six figure salary. 

The average person could work insanely hard but never be able to reach his level of financial freedom and success because they weren't born into the right circumstances like my boss was. Hard work frankly has very little to do with how he ended up where he is. 

I wish people would wake up and realize that they are being manipulated into working hard because they want to believe the beautiful lie that their hard work will get them somewhere. The average person is a mouse in a running wheel who doesn't realize that they aren't really moving anywhere no matter how much they run, and the harder they run, the more energy they generate for someone else's benefit.

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