
Got fired; shift manager lied to HR rep.

Got fired from Chic-fil-a just the other day. Here's the story. I was late, I can admit that and have accepted that as my fault. I was applying to another job that I'm being pretty much guaranteed because my dad is a big manager in the company and it's a huge pay increase and will guarantee 40 hours if not more, that matters so much to me because my girlfriend and I just put a down deposit on an apartment and we are really desperate for money. So, I got a job at Chic-fil-a after struggling with unemployment for quite a while. Told them my story with my girlfriend, and said I would work ridiculous hours, that I'd work seven days a week, the whole nine. The best they could do for me was 20hrs a week, if that. But, they were the first place to get back to me…

Got fired from Chic-fil-a just the other day. Here's the story. I was late, I can admit that and have accepted that as my fault. I was applying to another job that I'm being pretty much guaranteed because my dad is a big manager in the company and it's a huge pay increase and will guarantee 40 hours if not more, that matters so much to me because my girlfriend and I just put a down deposit on an apartment and we are really desperate for money. So, I got a job at Chic-fil-a after struggling with unemployment for quite a while. Told them my story with my girlfriend, and said I would work ridiculous hours, that I'd work seven days a week, the whole nine. The best they could do for me was 20hrs a week, if that. But, they were the first place to get back to me and I knew I couldn't lose my chance. So, after working for a couple of weeks, and showing up on time and early most days I had a mess up. I misread my schedule and was very late. (When I was applying to my dad's work) So I had to drive home from there, which is about 25-30 minutes out. Get home, run inside, change my clothes, brush my teeth, so and so forth. Drive into work which is another 30-40 minutes away (and they know this because they have my address) get there, clock in, go into the back and start working. After three super busy hours later the night shift lead tells me the day shift lead needs to talk to me. I go out to talk to them and the HR guy is there, I knew I was going to get a write up, and like I stated earlier I was ok with that. They explained to me how being late hurt the business and I explained where I was and my money situation and apologized for being late and said it wouldn't happen again. Well, then the shift leader speaks up and says I told him over the phone that I “overslept”. First off, he called me and all I said was “sorry, I'm on my way!” he never asked how long until I got there, or where I was, or even why I was late. But he told the HR guy I overslept. After this I signed my write up, walked to the back, and almost 3 seconds after I walked from the door the shift lead came back and told me to come back. The HR guy looks at me and said some bullshit about “My mama told me I'd get in trouble for being honest” then proceeded to tell me that I was lying to him in an attempt to make him feel bad about my situation, and that I told the shift lead I was oversleeping and not at a job interview. To which I replied “sir, that isn't what I said.” and almost seconds after I say that the shift lead speaks up and says “We're just cutting ties with you.”

TL;DR Got fired cause I was late one time, misread the schedule, about an hour drive to work, show up, get accused of being a liar, sign my write up, fired 10 seconds later, only time I was ever late.

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