
No clean drinking water at work

Hello everybody. I had to come here to rant about my work. I work at a greenhouse that grows cannabis, and it is by far the dirtiest, most jury-rigged cesspool of a facility i have ever had the misfortune of stepping in. First of all, the weed is always full of bud rot and powdery mildew which we're breathing in all day. The growers are forced to wear long sleeved shirts, sweatpants, and lab coats in climates of 50 C with humidity. We're told this is to “prevent” the spread of powdery mildew from room to room, but it clearly doesn't work, yet nobody in upper management sees an issue with this from a quality or safety standpoint. The building itself was built so poorly that whenever it rains, water pours into the building, effectively soaking the plants and staff and pouring whatever detritus that was on the roof down…

Hello everybody. I had to come here to rant about my work. I work at a greenhouse that grows cannabis, and it is by far the dirtiest, most jury-rigged cesspool of a facility i have ever had the misfortune of stepping in.

First of all, the weed is always full of bud rot and powdery mildew which we're breathing in all day. The growers are forced to wear long sleeved shirts, sweatpants, and lab coats in climates of 50 C with humidity. We're told this is to “prevent” the spread of powdery mildew from room to room, but it clearly doesn't work, yet nobody in upper management sees an issue with this from a quality or safety standpoint. The building itself was built so poorly that whenever it rains, water pours into the building, effectively soaking the plants and staff and pouring whatever detritus that was on the roof down onto us.

They used to keep the water coolers for our drinking water inside of the greenhouses, until they found out they were getting clogged with mud and who knows what else. Now the coolers are out in the main corridor, and today some people from our pest management department found eggs of an unknown origin in our water coolers…. The water coolers we've been drinking out of for months. I asked my supervisor if we could bring our own water bottles. His answer was that Quality Assurance may have an issue with this, because they can't track how often we're cleaning our personal water bottles. Well obviously they're not tracking the cleanliness of our water coolers! I'm just so sick of their blatant disregard for employee safety as well as consumer safety, considering they have absolutely no problem selling weed riddled with white mold and powdery mildew. Fuck upper management and fuck QA.

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