
I hope this is the beginning of the end Railway workers in the UK have gone on strike and now airline staff are set to follow this summer. British Airways staff going on strike during the first summer where travel is possible since 2020 is an absolute power move. I hope this inspires more workers in the UK who are underpaid and working in poor conditions to unionise and strike. A general strike would be amazing. I hope it happens and I hope the rest of the world follows. Healthcare, transport, construction, farm, grocery workers etc etc are the backbones of society, without them the world would collapse yet they’re looked at as unskilled or unworthy of respect, liveable wages or a proper working environment. Countries pathetically exploit immigrants in these roles because they deem them as lesser people but that’s another topic. I’m so glad the workers of Britain have said enough is enough. Nothing makes me…

Railway workers in the UK have gone on strike and now airline staff are set to follow this summer.

British Airways staff going on strike during the first summer where travel is possible since 2020 is an absolute power move.

I hope this inspires more workers in the UK who are underpaid and working in poor conditions to unionise and strike.

A general strike would be amazing. I hope it happens and I hope the rest of the world follows.

Healthcare, transport, construction, farm, grocery workers etc etc are the backbones of society, without them the world would collapse yet they’re looked at as unskilled or unworthy of respect, liveable wages or a proper working environment.

Countries pathetically exploit immigrants in these roles because they deem them as lesser people but that’s another topic.

I’m so glad the workers of Britain have said enough is enough. Nothing makes me more passionate than fighting the system. Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains!

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