
Antiwork or just shitty management?

You know, this sub is just endless stories about shitty bosses, micromanagement, and assholes flexing what little power they have to make workers miserable. We really have a massive problem with shitty managers in this country who are too incompetent to do their jobs of keeping the people who do the actual work happy enough to keep working. If your manager doesn't treat you properly, let them know, and document it with lots of emails, then copy their bosses. And if you don't email, send letters to their bosses or the company headquarters. We really need end the wrath of shitty managers that make everyone's lives worse.

You know, this sub is just endless stories about shitty bosses, micromanagement, and assholes flexing what little power they have to make workers miserable.

We really have a massive problem with shitty managers in this country who are too incompetent to do their jobs of keeping the people who do the actual work happy enough to keep working.

If your manager doesn't treat you properly, let them know, and document it with lots of emails, then copy their bosses. And if you don't email, send letters to their bosses or the company headquarters.

We really need end the wrath of shitty managers that make everyone's lives worse.

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