
Employer Love

Just an observation as of late… A handful of ppl I know outside of work, and work with, they always tout they really love their jobs. Never have a single bad thing to say. Act as if they are exactly where they need to be and the company gives them purpose. They show up and “suck up” when required. If you vent that things could be better, they look and act dumbfounded. You say ugh I need a new job, and they double down on how much they love their employer but then complain they might need a second job. These people seem like they’re never “offline” always on and might as well wear the company shirt to their weekend parties. What is this phenomenon? Am I completely abnormal for not “living and breathing” my corporation love?! The loyalty is astounding. And then when they say they’ve accepted a new…

Just an observation as of late…
A handful of ppl I know outside of work, and work with, they always tout they really love their jobs. Never have a single bad thing to say. Act as if they are exactly where they need to be and the company gives them purpose. They show up and “suck up” when required. If you vent that things could be better, they look and act dumbfounded. You say ugh I need a new job, and they double down on how much they love their employer but then complain they might need a second job. These people seem like they’re never “offline” always on and might as well wear the company shirt to their weekend parties. What is this phenomenon? Am I completely abnormal for not “living and breathing” my corporation love?! The loyalty is astounding. And then when they say they’ve accepted a new job elsewhere I have to lol bc I never saw that coming since they always state how much they love exactly where they’re at.

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