
It Happened – I’m Quitting

Like many here, I can’t even begin to express the toxic, hostile atmosphere that I’ve been living under. I never thought it would happen to me. The stress has gotten so bad that I’ve had blurry vision, and worked all weekend for months in preparation for meetings with my supervisor, in which I’m belittled and told my work is trash for a straight hour, with follow ups on work demands all week and after hours. It became clear that a restructuring was on the horizon and I was being managed out of my role. If I didn’t find a new position, I’d be out soon. But here’s the deal. I’m a high level manager with a team who works under me. I’ve been protecting them from leadership, and once I’m gone, they’re going to see and feel ALL of this. It is going to be terrible for them. I want…

Like many here, I can’t even begin to express the toxic, hostile atmosphere that I’ve been living under. I never thought it would happen to me. The stress has gotten so bad that I’ve had blurry vision, and worked all weekend for months in preparation for meetings with my supervisor, in which I’m belittled and told my work is trash for a straight hour, with follow ups on work demands all week and after hours. It became clear that a restructuring was on the horizon and I was being managed out of my role. If I didn’t find a new position, I’d be out soon.

But here’s the deal. I’m a high level manager with a team who works under me. I’ve been protecting them from leadership, and once I’m gone, they’re going to see and feel ALL of this. It is going to be terrible for them. I want to set them up well, if i can.

I started searching, and long story short, I found a new job that is matching my salary and is outside of my scope of current work and education (which was hyper specific), and was just offered the role. The position is a huge step up, professionally, and really will open new and different doors down the line.

Next- how do I best LEAVE this job? I’m leaving a boss who was unnecessarily mean to me, but a team I love and don’t want to leave in the lurch. I manage lots of young staffers. How would you go scorched earth on a boss, but support your staff? Factory reset your computer? Delete all current emails, but leave files in order for the team? Leave training materials? Give minimum notice, but contact info to the team in case they need references? What is the right balance, folks?

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