
4th Of July

What the fuck are we celebrating? In my humble opinion I think everyone should wear black until July 5th. We are attending the funeral of America. There's nothing to celebrate. Forget the fireworks, forget the celebrations. The America we knew is no longer. There's a bunch of leaders in congress, in the Supreme Court, in the white house, and in government agencies that only care about their own selfish greedy desires. Low wages, inflation, roe vs wade, Healthcare, gun reform, rigged stock market, racial issues, prescription drugs, war on drugs, roads and bridges, taxes, non stop work, retirement funds, etc. These issues have been lobbied by big money for the past 20 years or longer. The 1% has been very successful in buying the politicians and supressing the 99% to doing what ever they tell them to do and having no other options. Let's face it, alot of people died…

What the fuck are we celebrating? In my humble opinion I think everyone should wear black until July 5th. We are attending the funeral of America. There's nothing to celebrate. Forget the fireworks, forget the celebrations. The America we knew is no longer. There's a bunch of leaders in congress, in the Supreme Court, in the white house, and in government agencies that only care about their own selfish greedy desires. Low wages, inflation, roe vs wade, Healthcare, gun reform, rigged stock market, racial issues, prescription drugs, war on drugs, roads and bridges, taxes, non stop work, retirement funds, etc. These issues have been lobbied by big money for the past 20 years or longer. The 1% has been very successful in buying the politicians and supressing the 99% to doing what ever they tell them to do and having no other options. Let's face it, alot of people died during covid because of the greed of the 1%. Money is what drove the decisions that were made during covid. I say we declare an end to the two party system and abort Democrats and Republicans. Declare there's no going back to work on July 5th until the two parties are disassembled and lobbying is taken out of the government. The people in charge who are accepting large donations are writing laws that only benefit the 1%. They are going against the constitution and against their oath of office. It's time for them to leave and that's a demand. What are your thoughts on how we can unite and show the 1% that they can fuck right off? I like the idea of black because it will be easy to realize that we are the majority and we hold the power. I hope we can all take a deep breath and not fall for their petty battles. This is a war and we lose when we fight each other. Most Americans want a better life and want change. We have more in common than we do differences. We all wake up wanting a better life for ourselves, our family, our neighbors and then we put the blinders on for 40-80 hours a week to do a job that doesn't care about us. We come home try to get shit done around the house and see the people we love. Weekends are left to catch up on whatever we couldn't get done outside of work. Repeat for 40 years and now you can enjoy what hard work earns you. Do not let our leadership enjoy their 4th of July thinking they have freedom to celebrate.

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