
What are we waiting for?

This is the time. We have been oppressed for too long. I'm so so fucking sick of seeing the rights of working people be stripped one by one. They won't stop, either. This is just the beginning of a long line of policies that will reduce us to nothing. Contraception itself is on the chopping block next. When will it end? It won't. It's become obvious to me that the United States is past the point of no return. We keep voting, harder and harder. And nothing ever happens. There is no one to liberate us unless we liberate ourselves. So what are we waiting for? We have the power. In this sub alone, we have just breached two million comrades and counting. Not only do we have strength, we have direction as well. I know everyone here wants a more just and equitable society. It's never going to be…

This is the time. We have been oppressed for too long. I'm so so fucking sick of seeing the rights of working people be stripped one by one. They won't stop, either. This is just the beginning of a long line of policies that will reduce us to nothing. Contraception itself is on the chopping block next. When will it end? It won't.

It's become obvious to me that the United States is past the point of no return. We keep voting, harder and harder. And nothing ever happens. There is no one to liberate us unless we liberate ourselves.

So what are we waiting for? We have the power. In this sub alone, we have just breached two million comrades and counting. Not only do we have strength, we have direction as well. I know everyone here wants a more just and equitable society. It's never going to be given to us. We have to take it for ourselves.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to see that society. I'm ready to see the light at the end of the tunnel that is the United States. And I just want to know if you are as well. And if you are, then ask yourself.

What are we waiting for?

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