
Instead of striking…

I understand the thought of striking to protest the Roe vs Wade decision. But honestly, how many can afford to go without pay or worse risk our jobs due to working in an at will state? This isn't a “I won't use their product/services” strike. The reality of it is that people can lose jobs over it. Instead of putting people in the position of losing money, there is somrthing we all (over 18) can do for free and no negative impacts to our lives; vote. Vote any of these SOBs that support this position out of office. Voting can be done by anyone over 18 without losing money or your job. If you can, vote by mail. I know there are many who are lack transportation to get to the polls. Maybe we should organize rallies to help those people get to the polls. Or volunteer to help people…

I understand the thought of striking to protest the Roe vs Wade decision. But honestly, how many can afford to go without pay or worse risk our jobs due to working in an at will state? This isn't a “I won't use their product/services” strike. The reality of it is that people can lose jobs over it.

Instead of putting people in the position of losing money, there is somrthing we all (over 18) can do for free and no negative impacts to our lives; vote. Vote any of these SOBs that support this position out of office. Voting can be done by anyone over 18 without losing money or your job. If you can, vote by mail.

I know there are many who are lack transportation to get to the polls. Maybe we should organize rallies to help those people get to the polls. Or volunteer to help people get registered.

I think we need to ban together to stop the minority from controlling the majority. I just don't want anyone to lose money or jobs over it.

Maybe if we start getting rid of these clowns and use our voices, we can start enacting more positive change.

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