
Owner of restaurant told us to put our outdoor chairs away because her employees on break are “too comfortable”

We live right behind a restaurant and we have a couple chairs outside that the workers often sit on while on their break. We put them out for this exact purpose because otherwise they sit on our stoop and block our front door and it's awkward to knock on our front door from the inside to get them to move so we can leave our house. And hey, they're on break and deserve to take a load off anyway. We also chat with them pretty often, they're super nice. So we put our extra outdoor chairs out for them, for their comfort and ours. They've been out there for a couple weeks now, and yesterday, the owner of the restaurant was out there looking at them when I came back from work. She's an older woman, maybe 60s or 70s, and she asks if the chairs are mine and I…

We live right behind a restaurant and we have a couple chairs outside that the workers often sit on while on their break. We put them out for this exact purpose because otherwise they sit on our stoop and block our front door and it's awkward to knock on our front door from the inside to get them to move so we can leave our house. And hey, they're on break and deserve to take a load off anyway. We also chat with them pretty often, they're super nice. So we put our extra outdoor chairs out for them, for their comfort and ours.

They've been out there for a couple weeks now, and yesterday, the owner of the restaurant was out there looking at them when I came back from work. She's an older woman, maybe 60s or 70s, and she asks if the chairs are mine and I tell her they are. She asked me to put them away because she “pays them to work, not to sit” and that she doesn't want them to be “too comfortable”. It's not like they're lounge chairs or anything, just mesh chairs. She said she was planning to just throw them out because she didn't know who they belonged to.

Like what the actual fuck, ma'am? I nodded along and was like sure, whatever you say, but today I ordered one of those steel security cables and I'm going to lock them to our railing. She will not be throwing out our property and depriving her workers from being able to sit down ON THEIR BREAK. Fuck that.

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