
No Rights, No Work

It is time to reclaim the fundamental rights that women have rightfully maintained for the past 50 years. It is crucial that this is organized while the coals are hot. Of course I've seen the murmurings in this subreddit of a general strike, but now is the time to strike. No pun intended. The amount of economic power that the lower class has as a collective is fairly significant. Understandably many people do not have the economic capability to participate in a strike, but community support allows even more to participate and grant morale to those who are striking. Even getting a minor subset of the population will have a near snowball effect on gaining more membership and bringing awareness. There is more we can do than just a typical general strike. Using purchasing power to put pressure on business is another great example. ​ We must use organization and…

It is time to reclaim the fundamental rights that women have rightfully maintained for the past 50 years. It is crucial that this is organized while the coals are hot. Of course I've seen the murmurings in this subreddit of a general strike, but now is the time to strike. No pun intended. The amount of economic power that the lower class has as a collective is fairly significant. Understandably many people do not have the economic capability to participate in a strike, but community support allows even more to participate and grant morale to those who are striking. Even getting a minor subset of the population will have a near snowball effect on gaining more membership and bringing awareness. There is more we can do than just a typical general strike. Using purchasing power to put pressure on business is another great example.

We must use organization and an aligned message in order to make a systematic impact. We will not work until our rights are restored through a permanent legislative process rather than the court. Join r/StrikeForRoe if you agree

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