
You Can’t Afford To Strike ?

Hear me out ! I can understand how striking for an unknown length of time, even just a few days could put several of us (including myself) out. A lot of us are already one lost paycheck away from homelessness, starvation, you name it. The system made sure of this. BUT I think a lot of us can at the very least get out of one day. Monday. This will show everyone we’re serious and give us a good idea of how many of us there are versus them. I don’t know about you, but I was feeling very lost on Friday until I went to my local protest and saw my community in the streets. There are tons of us. TONS. Let’s start by getting the ball rolling one day at a time. If you can’t strike for longer than that, it’s okay. There’s enough of us to continue…

Hear me out !

I can understand how striking for an unknown length of time, even just a few days could put several of us (including myself) out. A lot of us are already one lost paycheck away from homelessness, starvation, you name it. The system made sure of this.

BUT I think a lot of us can at the very least get out of one day. Monday. This will show everyone we’re serious and give us a good idea of how many of us there are versus them. I don’t know about you, but I was feeling very lost on Friday until I went to my local protest and saw my community in the streets.

There are tons of us. TONS. Let’s start by getting the ball rolling one day at a time. If you can’t strike for longer than that, it’s okay. There’s enough of us to continue the fight, we just need to see it for ourselves.

CALL IN SICK. USE COVID AS AN EXCUSE! Whatever you have to do, let’s get out of Monday!!!!

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