
“pay your union dues” “get organized!” “slow go” and “tools down strike”

Those are some of the responses I received to my post. My original post is basically just asking for people to remember and support the many individuals that literally CAN NOT AFFORD to strike because they live paycheck to paycheck. I was told to access strike funds. Well guess what not everyone has access to strike funds. I am fully in support of striking with men and women against the recent Supreme Court decision. But in this sub so many of you claim to care about each other and the cause but when it comes to the people in circumstances where they literally can't afford to strike you just tell them to organize and turn to their unions. I'm living in a fucking motel, I'm a commercial diver, I'm installing 300+ pound propellers on yachts in south Florida, I have no fucking union, stop telling me to turn to a…

Those are some of the responses I received to my post. My original post is basically just asking for people to remember and support the many individuals that literally CAN NOT AFFORD to strike because they live paycheck to paycheck.

I was told to access strike funds. Well guess what not everyone has access to strike funds. I am fully in support of striking with men and women against the recent Supreme Court decision. But in this sub so many of you claim to care about each other and the cause but when it comes to the people in circumstances where they literally can't afford to strike you just tell them to organize and turn to their unions. I'm living in a fucking motel, I'm a commercial diver, I'm installing 300+ pound propellers on yachts in south Florida, I have no fucking union, stop telling me to turn to a union that doesnt exist for me. If I don't work I'm going to be fucking homeless. If I do your “slow go” or “tools down strike” guess what? Nothing gets done which means I don't get paid which results in me being fucking broke and I wont be able to afford another week in this motel, which yes it sucks but it's better than being 100% homeless.

I'm not asking for money or help but asking you people to remember not everyone has the privilege of striking and the ones that cant go on strike maybe give them some money, or help them out getting them some food for the week or something, gas money, gas card, gift card, clothes, ride to work, something anything other than “organize!”. There's no resources where I'm at that's gonna magically sit itself in my lap and give me groceries for the week. If you're going to tell someone about something include some information.

Ask your fellow working man and woman where they are at. What they can use some help with. You'd be surprised how far a little thought, cash, a ride to work or a tank of gas can go. Also none of it has to do with religion or any type of views. Just regular human beingness

Edit: I want to address a point a lovely redditor brought up, this isn't main character syndrome I don't know how anyone can conclude that from this post especially considering the amount of “me me me” posts this sub is usually full of. I am just saying now is the time to look out for each other more than ever.

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