
What would it take for another revolution to really take hold in the U.S.? How close are we at this point in time?

I’m genuinely asking. Is there a metric that points to certain levels or markers in societies that have revolted against their governments? A “tipping point” of societal inequity that just becomes too omnipresent to ignore by “X” percentage of the population? It really feels like we’re nearing that point to me…All of the systemic problems that have become a part of the public consciousness that just feel like they’re being ignored or actively worsening; -The exploitative and uncaring nature of capitalism that leads to massive wealth inequality via wage stagnation and profit hoarding by corporations -The normalization of living paycheck to paycheck because of chronic debt from student loans/rent/car payments/etc. -Our collapsing and unsustainable healthcare infrastructure as brought into full view via the Covid pandemic -The rise of homelessness and mental health problems -The continued ravaging of our planet’s natural resources and acceleration of climate change -The continued treatment of…

I’m genuinely asking. Is there a metric that points to certain levels or markers in societies that have revolted against their governments? A “tipping point” of societal inequity that just becomes too omnipresent to ignore by “X” percentage of the population?

It really feels like we’re nearing that point to me…All of the systemic problems that have become a part of the public consciousness that just feel like they’re being ignored or actively worsening;

-The exploitative and uncaring nature of capitalism that leads to massive wealth inequality via wage stagnation and profit hoarding by corporations

-The normalization of living paycheck to paycheck because of chronic debt from student loans/rent/car payments/etc.

-Our collapsing and unsustainable healthcare infrastructure as brought into full view via the Covid pandemic

-The rise of homelessness and mental health problems

-The continued ravaging of our planet’s natural resources and acceleration of climate change

-The continued treatment of black people and other minorities as second-class citizens as we saw with George Floyd

-The seemingly impossible task of reforming our absolutely insane and broken political system

-The deliberate and continual manipulation of information in our public media that keeps our country divided and scared

-The continued push for the erosion of civil liberties as we’ve just seen with Roe v. Wade

-The near-immunity that the wealthy class of our country benefit from as well as the stranglehold they have over our politicians and thus the laws and rules that govern our society which further entrenches their power/influence

-The continued inability to reform the way our country deals with guns/police/etc….

What is it going to take to reach that breaking point? Because sadly it feels like we aren’t going to see any meaningful systemic change until a violent revolution of some kind. I sincerely hope I’m wrong…

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