
Is there a law that companies have to accept doctors notes?

I'm in Texas. Tested positive for covid this morning, they said if I'm symptom free, I can go back Thursday… my boss said “We'll see you Thursday” I was taken to the hospital about 6 hours after that and treated for sepsis/dehydration on top of covid, but they said I need to wait until July 1st. Can my employer say “No, you originally said Thursday, be here Thursday”? Or is there a law that a doctors note overrides a company?

I'm in Texas. Tested positive for covid this morning, they said if I'm symptom free, I can go back Thursday… my boss said “We'll see you Thursday”

I was taken to the hospital about 6 hours after that and treated for sepsis/dehydration on top of covid, but they said I need to wait until July 1st.

Can my employer say “No, you originally said Thursday, be here Thursday”? Or is there a law that a doctors note overrides a company?

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