
A General Strike is the ONLY way to make change without violence

A general strike needs to be planned a year to a year and a half in advance. I know we all have the attention spans of a god damn goldfish but to do it right will take time if we're serious. If the democrats werent a faux opposition party run by corporations they would spear head it. We need local groups to have time for spreading the message/building food banks/stocking up medical supplies and starting healthcare worker cooperatives/speaking with local police about forthcoming eviction strikes/boycotting corporations one at a time/Educating those who can not strike on how to utilize malicious compliance to ground productivity to a halt/plan large scale civil disobedience and come up with a solid list of demands. Change through voting is a pipe dream. At this point its serfdom/economic violence/or blood in the streets.

A general strike needs to be planned a year to a year and a half in advance. I know we all have the attention spans of a god damn goldfish but to do it right will take time if we're serious. If the democrats werent a faux opposition party run by corporations they would spear head it. We need local groups to have time for spreading the message/building food banks/stocking up medical supplies and starting healthcare worker cooperatives/speaking with local police about forthcoming eviction strikes/boycotting corporations one at a time/Educating those who can not strike on how to utilize malicious compliance to ground productivity to a halt/plan large scale civil disobedience and come up with a solid list of demands. Change through voting is a pipe dream. At this point its serfdom/economic violence/or blood in the streets.

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